Your baby’s skin is still developing, which is why it requires special attention. It must adapt to the transition from the aquatic environment of your uterus to the drier postpartum environment. This transition is not immediate, and your baby’s skin continues to develop even after birth: this is why their skin is more delicate than yours.
Although your baby’s skin hydrates more quickly than adult skin, it can become dehydrated just as quickly and is therefore more susceptible to dry skin and a number of common skin conditions:
Baby acne affects approximately 20% of all children. In general, acne presents with a few pimples, white dots or a light rash especially on the face, nose and chin and disappears over the first few months without causing itching and therefore bothering the child. These are simply manifestations caused by sweat glands that are not yet mature and, possibly, also by pregnancy hormones, which however disappear without the need for treatment.
Skin flaking.
In the first few days you may notice how your newborn’s skin peels slightly, especially on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and ankles. This is a completely normal manifestation, especially in children born post-term. This problem disappears within a few days and it may be useful to apply a special moisturizing product especially on the face, nose and chin.
Discover Babycoccole moisturizing products for children
Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis. Children who are affected have dry, or very dry, skin because it does not perform its protective barrier function correctly. The external molecules manage to cross the skin which consequently becomes inflamed. This causes redness and annoying itching on the face, arms, legs and abdomen.
Discover Babycoccole products for children’s sensitive, atopic-prone skin.
Milky crust.
The so-called cradle cap or seborrheic dermatitis appears in some children, a skin condition that manifests itself with spots similar to scabs or scales on the scalp or eyebrows. This is a very common problem that can arise in the first weeks of life and continue for several weeks or months. Fortunately, it usually resolves completely within 8 to 12 months.
- Diaper rash. Also called diaper rash or irritation, it is a superficial affection of the baby’s skin that appears especially in the genital area after exposure to irritants or agents of a chemical nature (detergents, creams, etc.), physico-chemical (diaper) or biotic (urine and feces). The occlusive action of the diaper, preventing the passage of air, determines the establishment of an unfavorable microenvironment in which: hyperhydration of the skin, which makes it particularly sensitive and more permeable to irritating substances; the irritating action of urine and even more so of feces; the mechanical rubbing caused by the contact of the skin with the diaper itself; the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, favored by the warm-humid environment. Discover Babycoccole products to prevent and treat diaper rash